Our Lower School is made up of grades K-5 aged students. These students learn in multi-aged groupings based on the content students are focusing on.
Mornings begin with some light exercise to wake up our minds and get ready to learn and Morning Meeting to build and nurture the classroom community.
Typically, mornings are a predictable routine for our students. This optimal learning time is spent engaging with the core academic material.
All classes follow this morning sequence:
- Spark
- Morning Meeting
- Reading
- Snack Break
- Writing
- Recess
- Math
- Lunch
Afternoon schedules are different from day to day. Each day students participate in Kinetic Wellness. Twice each week students study science, social studies, and social-emotional learning. Student schedules also rotate through yoga, dance/movement, music, art, and drama throughout each week.
Core to the Open Wings philosophy and curriculum is engagement with the community. We embrace opportunities to head out on Field Experiences that support our units of study and we welcome Community Visitors to join us and share their life experiences with our students. Our students thrive in these unique and valuable learning experiences.